RestFrames HEP Event Analysis Software Library
Files | |
file | example_DiGluino_to_bbXbbX.C [code] |
Di-gluinos decaying to four b-quarks and two neutralinos. | |
file | example_DiStop_to_bXp_bXm_to_blNblN.C [code] |
Di-Stops decaying to b chargino, chargino to lepton+sneutrino. | |
file | example_H_to_hh_to_4Wlnu.C [code] |
Heavy neutral Higgs decaying to two lighter neutral Higgs, each decaying W(lnu)W(lnu) | |
file | example_H_to_ttbar_to_bWlnubWlnu.C [code] |
Resonant fully leptonic t tbar example. | |
file | example_H_to_WlnuWlnu.C [code] |
Neutral Higgs decaying to W(l nu) W(l nu) | |
file | example_Hp_to_HggWlnu.C [code] |
Charged Higgs decaying to H(gamma gamma) and W(l nu) | |
file | example_N_Wlnu.C [code] |
Non-resonant production of N W bosons, each decaying W(l nu). | |
file | example_top_to_bWlnu.C [code] |
single top decaying to a b-quark and leptonic W | |
file | example_ttbar_to_bWlnubWlnu.C [code] |
Fully leptonic t tbar example. | |
file | example_Wlnu.C [code] |
W boson decaying to a lepton and neutrino. | |
file | example_X2X2_to_ZllXHggX.C [code] |
Di-neutralinos decaying to Z(ll) and H(gg) and two LSP's. | |
file | example_Zll.C [code] |
Z boson decaying to di-leptons. | |
file | rootlogon.C [code] |