30 #define COMPILER (!defined(__CINT__) && !defined(__CLING__))
31 #if defined(__MAKECINT__) || defined(__ROOTCLING__) || COMPILER
39 void example_H_to_hh_to_4Wlnu(
const std::string& output_name =
52 g_Log << LogInfo <<
"Initializing generator frames and tree..." << LogEnd;
73 LAB_G.SetChildFrame(H_G);
74 H_G.AddChildFrame(ha_G);
75 H_G.AddChildFrame(hb_G);
76 ha_G.AddChildFrame(Waa_G);
77 ha_G.AddChildFrame(Wab_G);
78 hb_G.AddChildFrame(Wba_G);
79 hb_G.AddChildFrame(Wbb_G);
80 Waa_G.AddChildFrame(Laa_G);
81 Waa_G.AddChildFrame(Naa_G);
82 Wab_G.AddChildFrame(Lab_G);
83 Wab_G.AddChildFrame(Nab_G);
84 Wba_G.AddChildFrame(Lba_G);
85 Wba_G.AddChildFrame(Nba_G);
86 Wbb_G.AddChildFrame(Lbb_G);
87 Wbb_G.AddChildFrame(Nbb_G);
89 if(LAB_G.InitializeTree())
90 g_Log << LogInfo <<
"...Successfully initialized generator tree" << LogEnd;
92 g_Log << LogError <<
"...Failed initializing generator tree" << LogEnd;
117 Laa_G.SetEtaCut(2.5);
118 Lab_G.SetEtaCut(2.5);
119 Lba_G.SetEtaCut(2.5);
120 Lbb_G.SetEtaCut(2.5);
122 if(LAB_G.InitializeAnalysis())
123 g_Log << LogInfo <<
"...Successfully initialized generator analysis" << LogEnd;
125 g_Log << LogError <<
"...Failed initializing generator analysis" << LogEnd;
130 g_Log << LogInfo <<
"Initializing reconstruction frames and trees..." << LogEnd;
152 LAB_R.SetChildFrame(H_R);
153 H_R.AddChildFrame(ha_R);
154 H_R.AddChildFrame(hb_R);
155 ha_R.AddChildFrame(Waa_R);
156 ha_R.AddChildFrame(Wab_R);
157 hb_R.AddChildFrame(Wba_R);
158 hb_R.AddChildFrame(Wbb_R);
159 Waa_R.AddChildFrame(Laa_R);
160 Waa_R.AddChildFrame(Naa_R);
161 Wab_R.AddChildFrame(Lab_R);
162 Wab_R.AddChildFrame(Nab_R);
163 Wba_R.AddChildFrame(Lba_R);
164 Wba_R.AddChildFrame(Nba_R);
165 Wbb_R.AddChildFrame(Lbb_R);
166 Wbb_R.AddChildFrame(Nbb_R);
168 if(LAB_R.InitializeTree())
169 g_Log << LogInfo <<
"...Successfully initialized reconstruction tree" << LogEnd;
171 g_Log << LogError <<
"...Failed initializing reconstruction tree" << LogEnd;
177 INV_R.AddFrame(Naa_R);
178 INV_R.AddFrame(Nab_R);
179 INV_R.AddFrame(Nba_R);
180 INV_R.AddFrame(Nbb_R);
184 INV_R.AddJigsaw(NuNuM_R);
187 INV_R.AddJigsaw(NuNuR_R);
188 NuNuR_R.AddVisibleFrames(LAB_R.GetListVisibleFrames());
191 INV_R.AddJigsaw(MinMh_R);
192 MinMh_R.AddInvisibleFrames(ha_R.GetListInvisibleFrames(), 0);
193 MinMh_R.AddInvisibleFrames(hb_R.GetListInvisibleFrames(), 1);
194 MinMh_R.AddVisibleFrames(ha_R.GetListVisibleFrames(), 0);
195 MinMh_R.AddVisibleFrames(hb_R.GetListVisibleFrames(), 1);
201 INV_R.AddJigsaw(MinMWa_R);
202 MinMWa_R.AddInvisibleFrames(Waa_R.GetListInvisibleFrames(), 0);
203 MinMWa_R.AddInvisibleFrames(Wab_R.GetListInvisibleFrames(), 1);
204 MinMWa_R.AddVisibleFrames(Waa_R.GetListVisibleFrames(), 0);
205 MinMWa_R.AddVisibleFrames(Wab_R.GetListVisibleFrames(), 1);
206 MinMWa_R.AddMassFrame(Lba_R, 0);
207 MinMWa_R.AddMassFrame(Lbb_R, 1);
213 INV_R.AddJigsaw(MinMWb_R);
214 MinMWb_R.AddInvisibleFrames(Wba_R.GetListInvisibleFrames(), 0);
215 MinMWb_R.AddInvisibleFrames(Wbb_R.GetListInvisibleFrames(), 1);
216 MinMWb_R.AddVisibleFrames(Wba_R.GetListVisibleFrames(), 0);
217 MinMWb_R.AddVisibleFrames(Wbb_R.GetListVisibleFrames(), 1);
218 MinMWb_R.AddMassFrame(Laa_R, 0);
219 MinMWb_R.AddMassFrame(Lab_R, 1);
223 VIS_R.AddFrame(Lab_R);
224 VIS_R.AddFrame(Lbb_R);
226 VIS_R.SetNElementsForFrame(Lab_R, 1);
227 VIS_R.SetNElementsForFrame(Lbb_R, 1);
230 VIS_R.AddJigsaw(MinMll_R);
231 MinMll_R.AddCombFrame(Lab_R, 0);
232 MinMll_R.AddCombFrame(Lbb_R, 1);
233 MinMll_R.AddObjectFrames(Laa_R+Lab_R, 0);
234 MinMll_R.AddObjectFrames(Lba_R+Lbb_R, 1);
236 if(LAB_R.InitializeAnalysis())
237 g_Log << LogInfo <<
"...Successfully initialized analysis" << LogEnd;
239 g_Log << LogError <<
"...Failed initializing analysis" << LogEnd;
246 treePlot->SetTree(LAB_G);
247 treePlot->Draw(
"Generator Tree",
249 treePlot->SetTree(LAB_R);
250 treePlot->Draw(
"Reconstruction Tree");
252 treePlot->SetTree(INV_R);
253 treePlot->Draw(
"Invisible Jigsaws",
257 std::string plot_title =
"H #rightarrow hh #rightarrow W(#it{l} #nu) W(#it{l} #nu)";
260 const HistPlotCategory& cat_Gen = histPlot->GetNewCategory(
261 const HistPlotCategory& cat_Reco = histPlot->GetNewCategory(
263 const HistPlotVar& MH = histPlot->GetNewVar(
"M_{H} / m_{H}^{ true}", 0., 2.);
264 const HistPlotVar& Mha = histPlot->GetNewVar(
"M_{h}^{ a} / m_{h}^{ true}", 0., 2.);
265 const HistPlotVar& Mhb = histPlot->GetNewVar(
"M_{h}^{ b} / m_{h}^{ true}", 0., 2.);
266 const HistPlotVar& MWaa = histPlot->GetNewVar(
"M_{W a,a}", 0., mW*2.,
267 const HistPlotVar& MWab = histPlot->GetNewVar(
"M_{W a,b}", 0., mW*2.,
268 const HistPlotVar& MWba = histPlot->GetNewVar(
"M_{W b,a}", 0., mW*2.,
269 const HistPlotVar& MWbb = histPlot->GetNewVar(
"M_{W b,b}", 0., mW*2.,
270 const HistPlotVar& cosH = histPlot->GetNewVar(
"cos #theta_{H}", -1., 1.);
271 const HistPlotVar& cosha = histPlot->GetNewVar(
"cos #theta_{h a}", -1., 1.);
272 const HistPlotVar& coshb = histPlot->GetNewVar(
"cos #theta_{h b}", -1., 1.);
273 const HistPlotVar& cosWaa = histPlot->GetNewVar(
"cos #theta_{Waa}", -1., 1.);
274 const HistPlotVar& cosWab = histPlot->GetNewVar(
"cos #theta_{Wab}", -1., 1.);
275 const HistPlotVar& DcosH = histPlot->GetNewVar(
"#theta_{H} - #theta_{H}^{ true}",
276 -acos(-1.)/2., acos(-1.)/2.);
277 const HistPlotVar& Dcosha = histPlot->GetNewVar(
"#theta_{h a} - #theta_{h a}^{ true}",
278 -acos(-1.)/2., acos(-1.)/2.);
279 const HistPlotVar& Dcoshb = histPlot->GetNewVar(
"#theta_{h b} - #theta_{h b}^{ true}",
280 -acos(-1.)/2., acos(-1.)/2.);
281 const HistPlotVar& DcosWaa = histPlot->GetNewVar(
"#theta_{W a,a} - #theta_{W a,a}^{ true}",
282 -acos(-1.)/2., acos(-1.)/2.);
283 const HistPlotVar& DcosWab = histPlot->GetNewVar(
"#theta_{W a,b} - #theta_{W a,b}^{ true}",
284 -acos(-1.)/2., acos(-1.)/2.);
286 histPlot->AddPlot(MWaa, MWab, cat_Gen+cat_Reco);
287 histPlot->AddPlot(MWaa, MWbb, cat_Gen+cat_Reco);
288 histPlot->AddPlot(MH, cat_Reco);
289 histPlot->AddPlot(Mha, cat_Reco);
290 histPlot->AddPlot(Mha, Mhb, cat_Reco);
291 histPlot->AddPlot(MH, Mha, cat_Reco);
292 histPlot->AddPlot(Mha, MWaa, cat_Reco);
293 histPlot->AddPlot(DcosH, cat_Reco);
294 histPlot->AddPlot(Dcosha, cat_Reco);
295 histPlot->AddPlot(MH, DcosH, cat_Reco);
296 histPlot->AddPlot(Mha, Dcosha, cat_Reco);
297 histPlot->AddPlot(DcosH, Dcosha, cat_Reco);
298 histPlot->AddPlot(Dcosha, Dcoshb, cat_Reco);
300 histPlot->AddPlot(DcosWaa, cat_Reco);
301 histPlot->AddPlot(DcosWaa, DcosWab, cat_Reco);
306 for(
int igen = 0; igen < Ngen; igen++){
307 if(igen%((std::max(Ngen,10))/10) == 0)
308 g_Log << LogInfo <<
"Generating event " << igen <<
" of " << Ngen << LogEnd;
312 double PTH = mH*gRandom->Rndm()*0.1;
313 LAB_G.SetTransverseMomentum(PTH);
314 LAB_G.AnalyzeEvent();
319 TVector3 MET = LAB_G.GetInvisibleMomentum();
321 INV_R.SetLabFrameThreeVector(MET);
329 Laa_R.SetLabFrameFourVector(Laa_G.GetFourVector(),-1);
330 Lba_R.SetLabFrameFourVector(Lba_G.GetFourVector(),-1);
331 std::vector<RFKey> L_ID;
332 L_ID.push_back(VIS_R.AddLabFrameFourVector(Lab_G.GetFourVector(), 1));
333 L_ID.push_back(VIS_R.AddLabFrameFourVector(Lbb_G.GetFourVector(), 1));
340 LAB_R.AnalyzeEvent();
343 double MHgen = H_G.GetMass();
344 double Mhagen = ha_G.GetMass();
345 double Mhbgen = hb_G.GetMass();
346 double cosHgen = H_G.GetCosDecayAngle();
347 double coshagen = ha_G.GetCosDecayAngle();
348 double coshbgen = hb_G.GetCosDecayAngle();
352 double cosWaagen = Waa_G.GetCosDecayAngle();
353 double cosWabgen = Wab_G.GetCosDecayAngle();
354 MWaa = Waa_G.GetMass();
355 MWab = Wab_G.GetMass();
356 MWba = Wba_G.GetMass();
357 MWbb = Wbb_G.GetMass();
359 histPlot->Fill(cat_Gen);
362 MH = H_R.GetMass()/MHgen;
366 Mha = 2.*ha_R.GetListVisibleFrames().GetEnergy(ha_R)/Mhagen;
367 Mhb = 2.*hb_R.GetListVisibleFrames().GetEnergy(hb_R)/Mhbgen;
368 cosH = H_R.GetCosDecayAngle();
369 cosha = ha_R.GetCosDecayAngle();
370 coshb = hb_R.GetCosDecayAngle();
371 cosWaa = Waa_R.GetCosDecayAngle();
372 cosWab = Wab_R.GetCosDecayAngle();
373 MWaa = Waa_R.GetMass();
374 MWab = Wab_R.GetMass();
375 MWba = Wba_R.GetMass();
376 MWbb = Wbb_R.GetMass();
377 DcosH = asin(sqrt(1.-cosH*cosH)*cosHgen-sqrt(1.-cosHgen*cosHgen)*cosH);
378 Dcosha = asin(sqrt(1.-cosha*cosha)*coshagen-sqrt(1.-coshagen*coshagen)*cosha);
379 Dcoshb = asin(sqrt(1.-coshb*coshb)*coshbgen-sqrt(1.-coshbgen*coshbgen)*coshb);
380 DcosWaa = asin(sqrt(1.-cosWaa*cosWaa)*cosWaagen-sqrt(1.-cosWaagen*cosWaagen)*cosWaa);
381 DcosWab = asin(sqrt(1.-cosWab*cosWab)*cosWabgen-sqrt(1.-cosWabgen*cosWabgen)*cosWab);
384 histPlot->Fill(cat_Reco);
399 LAB_G.PrintGeneratorEfficiency();
401 g_Log << LogInfo <<
"Finished" << LogEnd;
404 # ifndef __CINT__ // main function for stand-alone compilation
406 example_H_to_hh_to_4Wlnu();