| VisibleGenFrame (const std::string &sname, const std::string &stitle) |
| Standard constructor. More...
| VisibleGenFrame () |
| Empty constructor.
virtual void | SetMass (double val) |
| Sets mass of this frame. More...
| VisibleFrame (const std::string &sname, const std::string &stitle) |
| Standard constructor. More...
| VisibleFrame () |
| Empty constructor.
virtual void | SetCharge (const RFCharge &charge) |
| Sets charge of current frame. More...
virtual void | SetCharge (int charge=0) |
| Sets charge of current frame. More...
virtual void | SetCharge (int charge_num, int charge_den) |
| Sets charge of current frame. More...
virtual RFCharge | GetCharge () const |
| Returns charge of current frame. More...
virtual void | SetLabFrameFourVector (const TLorentzVector &V, const RFCharge &charge=RFCharge()) |
| Sets lab frame's four-vector. More...
void | SetLabFrameFourVector (const TLorentzVector &V, int charge) |
| Sets lab frame's four-vector. More...
void | SetLabFrameFourVector (const TLorentzVector &V, int charge_num, int charge_den) |
| Sets lab frame's four-vector. More...
virtual TLorentzVector | GetLabFrameFourVector () const |
| Returns lab frame's four-vector. More...
| GeneratorFrame (const std::string &sname, const std::string &stitle) |
| Standard constructor. More...
| GeneratorFrame () |
| Empty constructor.
virtual void | Clear () |
| Clears GeneratorFrame of all connections to other objects.
virtual void | AddChildFrame (RestFrame &frame) |
| Adds a child RestFrame to this frame. More...
virtual void | SetParentFrame (RestFrame &frame=RestFrame::Empty()) |
| Set the parent frame for this frame. More...
virtual GeneratorFrame const & | GetParentFrame () const |
| Returns the parent of this frame. More...
virtual GeneratorFrame & | GetChildFrame (int i=0) const |
| Returns the frame of the i th child. More...
void | SetPCut (double cut) |
| Sets momentum cut. More...
void | SetPtCut (double cut) |
| Sets transverse momentum cut. More...
void | SetEtaCut (double cut) |
| Sets pseudorapidity cut. More...
void | SetMassWindowCut (double min, double max) |
| Sets mass frame cut. More...
void | RemovePCut () |
| Removes momentum cut.
void | RemovePtCut () |
| Removes transverse momentum cut.
void | RemoveEtaCut () |
| Removes pseudorapidity cut.
void | RemoveMassWindowCut () |
| Removes mass frame cuts.
void | PrintGeneratorEfficiency () const |
| Print generator efficiency information.
virtual double | GetMass () const |
| Get the mass of this frame.
bool | IsVariableMassMCMC () const |
| Is this frame capable having a variable mass? (true/false)
virtual double | GetMinimumMassMCMC () const |
| Returns minimun mass of Markov Chain MonteCarlo event generation.
virtual void | GenerateMassMCMC (double &mass, double &prob, double max=-1.) const |
| Generates mass for Markov Chain MonteCarlo event generation.
virtual double | GetProbMCMC (double mass=-1.) const |
| Evaluates probability of the state is in right now or the probablility of a state it could go in.
double | GetRandom () const |
| Returns random value. More...
double | GetGaus (double mu, double sig) const |
| Returns gaussian random number. More...
| RestFrame (const std::string &sname, const std::string &stitle) |
| Standard constructor. More...
| RestFrame () |
| Empty constructor.
FrameType | GetType () const |
| Returns RestFrame (FrameType) type.
bool | IsVisibleFrame () const |
| Is this a VisibleFrame ? (yes/no)
bool | IsInvisibleFrame () const |
| Is this an InvisibleFrame ? (yes/no)
bool | IsDecayFrame () const |
| Is this a DecayFrame ? (yes/no)
bool | IsLabFrame () const |
| Is this a LabFrame ? (yes/no)
bool | IsRecoFrame () const |
| Is this an ReconstructionFrame ? (yes/no)
bool | IsGenFrame () const |
| Is this a GeneratorFrame ? (yes/no)
virtual std::string | PrintString (LogType type) const |
| String of information about RestFrame.
void | AddChildFrames (const RestFrameList &frames) |
| Adds a list of children to this frame. More...
void | RemoveChildFrame (RestFrame &frame) |
| Removes a child of this frame. More...
void | RemoveChildFrames () |
| Removes all the children of this frame. More...
int | GetNChildren () const |
| Returns the number of child frames inheriting from this one.
int | GetNDescendants () const |
| Returns the number of descendents of this frame.
RestFrameList const & | GetChildFrames () const |
| Returns a list of this frame's child RestFrames. More...
virtual RestFrame const & | GetLabFrame () const |
| Returns the LabFrame that this frame inherits from. More...
virtual RestFrame const & | GetProductionFrame () const |
| Returns the production frame of this frame. More...
virtual RestFrame const & | GetSiblingFrame () const |
| Returns the sibling frame of this frame. More...
int | GetFrameDepth (const RestFrame &frame) const |
| Returns the depth of frame More...
virtual RestFrame const & | GetFrameAtDepth (int depth, const RestFrame &frame) const |
| Returns the frame at depth. More...
virtual RestFrameList | GetListFrames (FrameType type=kLabFrame) const |
| Returns a list of frames inheriting from this one. More...
virtual RestFrameList | GetListVisibleFrames () const |
| Returns a list of VisibleFrame s inheriting from this.
virtual RestFrameList | GetListInvisibleFrames () const |
| Returns a list of InvisibleFrame s inheriting from this.
RestFrameList | operator+ (RestFrame &frame) |
| Combines RestFrames into RestFrameList. More...
RestFrameList | operator+ (const RestFrameList &frames) |
| Combines RestFrames into RestFrameList. More...
virtual RFCharge | GetCharge () const |
| Returns the charge of this frame. More...
TLorentzVector | GetFourVector (const RestFrame &frame=RestFrame::Empty()) const |
| Returns this frame's four-vector in a specified frame. More...
TLorentzVector | GetTransverseFourVector (const RestFrame &frame=RestFrame::Empty(), const TVector3 &axis=RestFrame::GetAxis(), const RestFrame &axis_frame=RestFrame::Empty()) const |
| Returns this frame's four-vector in a specified frame. More...
TLorentzVector | GetVisibleFourVector (const RestFrame &frame=RestFrame::Empty()) const |
| Returns four-vector of visible descendants. More...
TLorentzVector | GetInvisibleFourVector (const RestFrame &frame=RestFrame::Empty()) const |
| Returns four-vector of invisible descendants. More...
double | GetEnergy (const RestFrame &frame) const |
| Returns energy of this frame in specified reference frame. More...
double | GetMomentum (const RestFrame &frame) const |
| Returns magnitude of momentum. More...
TLorentzVector | GetFourVector (const TLorentzVector &P, const RestFrame &def_frame=RestFrame::Empty()) const |
| Returns four vector boosted to different frame. More...
TLorentzVector | GetTransverseFourVector (const TLorentzVector &P, const TVector3 &axis=RestFrame::GetAxis(), const RestFrame &axis_frame=RestFrame::Empty()) const |
| Returns transverse four vector in this frame.
double | GetTransverseMomentum (const RestFrame &frame=RestFrame::Empty(), const TVector3 &axis=RestFrame::GetAxis(), const RestFrame &axis_frame=RestFrame::Empty()) const |
| Returns magnitude of transverse momentum. More...
double | GetTransverseMomentum (const TLorentzVector &P, const TVector3 &axis=RestFrame::GetAxis(), const RestFrame &axis_frame=RestFrame::Empty()) const |
| Returns magnitude of transverse momentum of this frame. More...
double | GetVisibleShape () const |
| Returns visible shape of frame. More...
double | GetSumVisibleMomentum () const |
| Returns scalar sum of visible child momenta. More...
double | GetSumInvisibleMomentum () const |
| Returns scalar sum of invisible child momenta. More...
TVector3 | GetBoostInParentFrame () const |
| Returns the boost of this frame in it's parent's frame. More...
double | GetGammaInParentFrame () const |
| Returns the gamma of this frame in its parent's frame. More...
TVector3 | GetDecayPlaneNormalVector (const RestFrame &frame=RestFrame::Empty()) const |
| Returns the vector normal to the decay plane of this frame. More...
double | GetDeltaPhiDecayPlanes (const RestFrame &frame) const |
| Returns difference of azimuthal angle between decay planes. More...
double | GetCosDecayAngle (const RestFrame &frame=RestFrame::Empty()) const |
| Returns the cosine of this frame's decay angle. More...
double | GetDeltaPhiDecayAngle (const TVector3 &axis=RestFrame::GetAxis(), const RestFrame &frame=RestFrame::Empty()) const |
| Returns difference of azimuthal decay angles in an axis. More...
double | GetDeltaPhiBoostVisible (const TVector3 &axis=RestFrame::GetAxis(), const RestFrame &frame=RestFrame::Empty()) const |
| Returns difference of azimuthal angles between the decay angles of the visible particles decaying from this frame. More...
double | GetDeltaPhiDecayVisible (const TVector3 &axis=RestFrame::GetAxis(), const RestFrame &frame=RestFrame::Empty()) const |
| Returns difference of azimuthal angles between the decay angles of the visible particles decaying from this frame. More...
double | GetDeltaPhiVisible (const TVector3 &axis=RestFrame::GetAxis(), const RestFrame &frame=RestFrame::Empty()) const |
| Returns difference of azimuthal angles between the angles of its visible particles kids. More...
| RFBase (const std::string &sname, const std::string &stitle, int key) |
| Standard constructor. More...
| RFBase () |
| Empty constructor.
bool | IsEmpty () const |
| Checks whether this is default (empty) instance of class.
bool | operator! () const |
| Tests whether key is the same as this.
void | Print (LogType type) const |
| Print information associated with object.
RFKey | GetKey () const |
| gets object identification key
std::string | GetName () const |
| Returns object name.
std::string | GetTitle () const |
| Returns object title.
bool | IsSame (const RFKey &key) const |
| Tests whether key is the same as this.
bool | IsSame (const RFBase &obj) const |
| Tests whether obj is the same as this.
bool | operator== (const RFKey &key) const |
| Tests whether key is the same as this.
bool | operator== (const RFBase &obj) const |
| Tests whether obj is the same as this.
bool | operator!= (const RFKey &key) const |
| Tests whether key is the same as this.
bool | operator!= (const RFBase &obj) const |
| Tests whether obj is the same as this.