RestFrames  v1.0.1
RestFrames HEP Event Analysis Software Library
example_N_Wlnu.C File Reference

Detailed Description

Non-resonant production of N W bosons, each decaying W(l nu).

Christopher Rogan (croga.nosp@m.n@ce.nosp@m.rn.ch)
2016 May

Z to ll example

The example can be found in the RestFrames package at


You can run the compiled example executable:


or run the example from the ROOT interactive command line:

root [0] .x examples/example_N_Wlnu.C++

For the latter, if RestFrames is not installed in an area in the default PATH then you must first load the RestFrames environmental variables with source setup_RestFrames.(c)sh.

2 W(l nu)
3 W(l nu)
4 W(l nu)

Definition in file example_N_Wlnu.C.