RestFrames HEP Event Analysis Software Library
Go to the documentation of this file.
30 #ifndef ReconstructionFrame_HH
31 #define ReconstructionFrame_HH
36 namespace RestFrames {
147 virtual bool ResetRecoFrame();
148 virtual bool ReconstructFrame();
150 virtual StateList const& GetChildStates(
int i = 0)
155 mutable std::map<const RestFrame*, StateList > m_ChildStates;
157 bool InitializeVisibleStates();
158 bool InitializeGroupStates();
159 void FillListGroupsRecursive(
GroupList& groups)
bool AnalyzeEventRecursive()
Recursively analyze event in this frame and its children.
bool ClearEventRecursive()
Recursively clear event information from this frame and its children.
virtual ReconstructionFrame const & GetParentFrame() const
Returns the parent of this frame.
static Group & Empty()
Returns empty Group.
bool InitializeAnalysisRecursive()
Recursively initialize this frame and its children for analysis.
abstract base class for all Frame objects
abstract base class for all Group objects
virtual void SetParentFrame(RestFrame &frame=RestFrame::Empty())
Set the parent frame for this frame.
virtual void AddChildFrame(RestFrame &frame)
Add a child RestFrame to this frame.
Empty constructor.
virtual ReconstructionFrame & GetChildFrame(int i=0) const
Get the frame of the i th child.
virtual void RemoveChildFrame(RestFrame &frame)
Remove a child of this frame.
virtual void SetGroup(Group &group=Group::Empty())
Sets group of this frame.
GroupList GetListGroups() const
Returns a list of groups (GroupList) of this class.
static RestFrame & Empty()
Returns empty RestFrame.
static ReconstructionFrame & Empty()
Returns empty ReconstructionFrame.
Group & GetGroup() const
Returns group of this class.
void RemoveChildFrames()
Remove all the children of this frame.
virtual void Clear()
Clears ReconstructionFrame of all connections to other objects.