RestFrames HEP Event Analysis Software Library
Go to the documentation of this file.
30 #ifndef LabGenFrame_HH
31 #define LabGenFrame_HH
36 namespace RestFrames {
48 LabGenFrame(
const std::string& sname,
const std::string& stitle);
97 virtual void SetPhi(
double val);
134 virtual bool InitializeGenAnalysis();
136 virtual void ResetGenFrame();
137 virtual bool GenerateFrame();
139 double m_ChildMassMCMC;
140 double m_ChildProbMCMC;
142 virtual bool IterateMCMC();
virtual void SetPToverM(double val)
Sets transverse momentum over mass.
virtual bool AnalyzeEvent()
Analyzes event.
virtual void Clear()
Clears LabGenFrame from all connections to other objects
virtual void SetPhi(double val)
Sets phi of this frame.
void SetFailTolerance(int N)
Sets tolerance number of fail events before stopping the generation.
virtual void SetThreeVector(const TVector3 &P)
Sets momentum's three-vector of this frame.
virtual void SetLongitudinalMomentum(double val)
Sets longitudinal momentum of this frame.
void SetN_MCMCDiscard(int N)
Sets which Nth events to keep.
virtual bool ClearEvent()
Clears event.
LabGenFrame(const std::string &sname, const std::string &stitle)
Standard constructor.
virtual void SetTransverseMomentum(double val)
Sets transverse momentum of this frame.
virtual bool InitializeAnalysis()
Initialize analysis capability of a tree to generate events.
void SetN_MCMCBurnIn(int N)
Sets number of events to be thrown away before keeping any.