RestFrames HEP Event Analysis Software Library
This is the complete list of members for RestFrames::RestFrame, including all inherited members.
AddChildFrame(RestFrame &frame) | RestFrames::RestFrame | virtual |
AddChildFrames(const RestFrameList &frames) | RestFrames::RestFrame | |
AddDependent(RFBase *dep) | RestFrames::RFBase | protected |
AnalyzeEventRecursive()=0 | RestFrames::RestFrame | protectedpure virtual |
Clear() | RestFrames::RestFrame | virtual |
ClearEventRecursive()=0 | RestFrames::RestFrame | protectedpure virtual |
Empty() | RestFrames::RestFrame | static |
EmptyList() | RestFrames::RestFrame | static |
GeneratorFrame (defined in RestFrames::RestFrame) | RestFrames::RestFrame | friend |
GetAxis() | RestFrames::RestFrame | static |
GetBoostInParentFrame() const | RestFrames::RestFrame | |
GetCharge() const | RestFrames::RestFrame | virtual |
GetChildBoostVector(RestFrame &frame) const (defined in RestFrames::RestFrame) | RestFrames::RestFrame | protected |
GetChildFrame(int i=0) const | RestFrames::RestFrame | virtual |
GetChildFrames() const | RestFrames::RestFrame | |
GetCosDecayAngle(const RestFrame &frame=RestFrame::Empty()) const | RestFrames::RestFrame | |
GetDecayPlaneNormalVector(const RestFrame &frame=RestFrame::Empty()) const | RestFrames::RestFrame | |
GetDeltaPhiBoostVisible(const TVector3 &axis=RestFrame::GetAxis(), const RestFrame &frame=RestFrame::Empty()) const | RestFrames::RestFrame | |
GetDeltaPhiDecayAngle(const TVector3 &axis=RestFrame::GetAxis(), const RestFrame &frame=RestFrame::Empty()) const | RestFrames::RestFrame | |
GetDeltaPhiDecayPlanes(const RestFrame &frame) const | RestFrames::RestFrame | |
GetDeltaPhiDecayVisible(const TVector3 &axis=RestFrame::GetAxis(), const RestFrame &frame=RestFrame::Empty()) const | RestFrames::RestFrame | |
GetDeltaPhiVisible(const TVector3 &axis=RestFrame::GetAxis(), const RestFrame &frame=RestFrame::Empty()) const | RestFrames::RestFrame | |
GetEnergy(const RestFrame &frame) const | RestFrames::RestFrame | |
GetFourVector(const RestFrame &frame=RestFrame::Empty()) const | RestFrames::RestFrame | |
GetFourVector(const TLorentzVector &P, const RestFrame &def_frame=RestFrame::Empty()) const | RestFrames::RestFrame | |
GetFrameAtDepth(int depth, const RestFrame &frame) const | RestFrames::RestFrame | virtual |
GetFrameDepth(const RestFrame &frame) const | RestFrames::RestFrame | |
GetGammaInParentFrame() const | RestFrames::RestFrame | |
GetInvisibleFourVector(const RestFrame &frame=RestFrame::Empty()) const | RestFrames::RestFrame | |
GetKey() const | RestFrames::RFBase | |
GetLabFrame() const | RestFrames::RestFrame | virtual |
GetListFrames(FrameType type=kLabFrame) const | RestFrames::RestFrame | virtual |
GetListInvisibleFrames() const | RestFrames::RestFrame | virtual |
GetListVisibleFrames() const | RestFrames::RestFrame | virtual |
GetMass() const | RestFrames::RestFrame | virtual |
GetMomentum(const RestFrame &frame) const | RestFrames::RestFrame | |
GetName() const | RestFrames::RFBase | |
GetNChildren() const | RestFrames::RestFrame | |
GetNDescendants() const | RestFrames::RestFrame | |
GetParentBoostVector() const (defined in RestFrames::RestFrame) | RestFrames::RestFrame | protected |
GetParentFrame() const | RestFrames::RestFrame | virtual |
GetProductionFrame() const | RestFrames::RestFrame | virtual |
GetSiblingFrame() const | RestFrames::RestFrame | virtual |
GetSumInvisibleMomentum() const | RestFrames::RestFrame | |
GetSumVisibleMomentum() const | RestFrames::RestFrame | |
GetTitle() const | RestFrames::RFBase | |
GetTransverseFourVector(const RestFrame &frame=RestFrame::Empty(), const TVector3 &axis=RestFrame::GetAxis(), const RestFrame &axis_frame=RestFrame::Empty()) const | RestFrames::RestFrame | |
GetTransverseFourVector(const TLorentzVector &P, const TVector3 &axis=RestFrame::GetAxis(), const RestFrame &axis_frame=RestFrame::Empty()) const | RestFrames::RestFrame | |
GetTransverseMomentum(const RestFrame &frame=RestFrame::Empty(), const TVector3 &axis=RestFrame::GetAxis(), const RestFrame &axis_frame=RestFrame::Empty()) const | RestFrames::RestFrame | |
GetTransverseMomentum(const TLorentzVector &P, const TVector3 &axis=RestFrame::GetAxis(), const RestFrame &axis_frame=RestFrame::Empty()) const | RestFrames::RestFrame | |
GetType() const | RestFrames::RestFrame | |
GetVisibleFourVector(const RestFrame &frame=RestFrame::Empty()) const | RestFrames::RestFrame | |
GetVisibleShape() const | RestFrames::RestFrame | |
InitializeAnalysisRecursive()=0 | RestFrames::RestFrame | protectedpure virtual |
InitializeTreeRecursive() | RestFrames::RestFrame | protectedvirtual |
IsCircularTree(std::vector< RFKey > &keys) const | RestFrames::RestFrame | protected |
IsDecayFrame() const | RestFrames::RestFrame | |
IsEmpty() const | RestFrames::RFBase | |
IsGenFrame() const | RestFrames::RestFrame | |
IsInvisibleFrame() const | RestFrames::RestFrame | |
IsLabFrame() const | RestFrames::RestFrame | |
IsRecoFrame() const | RestFrames::RestFrame | |
IsSame(const RFKey &key) const | RestFrames::RFBase | |
IsSame(const RFBase &obj) const | RestFrames::RFBase | |
IsSoundBody() const (defined in RestFrames::RestFrame) | RestFrames::RestFrame | protectedvirtual |
IsSoundMind() const (defined in RestFrames::RFBase) | RestFrames::RFBase | protectedvirtual |
IsSoundSpirit() const (defined in RestFrames::RFBase) | RestFrames::RFBase | protectedvirtual |
IsVisibleFrame() const | RestFrames::RestFrame | |
m_Ana (defined in RestFrames::RestFrame) | RestFrames::RestFrame | protected |
m_Empty3Vector (defined in RestFrames::RFBase) | RestFrames::RFBase | protectedstatic |
m_Empty4Vector (defined in RestFrames::RFBase) | RestFrames::RFBase | protectedstatic |
m_Log (defined in RestFrames::RFBase) | RestFrames::RFBase | mutableprotected |
m_This (defined in RestFrames::RFBase) | RestFrames::RFBase | protected |
m_Type (defined in RestFrames::RestFrame) | RestFrames::RestFrame | protected |
operator!() const | RestFrames::RFBase | inline |
operator!=(const RFKey &key) const | RestFrames::RFBase | inline |
operator!=(const RFBase &obj) const | RestFrames::RFBase | inline |
operator+(RestFrame &frame) | RestFrames::RestFrame | |
operator+(const RestFrameList &frames) | RestFrames::RestFrame | |
operator==(const RFKey &key) const | RestFrames::RFBase | inline |
operator==(const RFBase &obj) const | RestFrames::RFBase | inline |
Print(LogType type) const | RestFrames::RFBase | |
PrintString(LogType type) const | RestFrames::RestFrame | virtual |
ReconstructionFrame (defined in RestFrames::RestFrame) | RestFrames::RestFrame | friend |
RemoveChildFrame(RestFrame &frame) | RestFrames::RestFrame | |
RemoveChildFrames() | RestFrames::RestFrame | |
RestFrame(const std::string &sname, const std::string &stitle) | RestFrames::RestFrame | |
RestFrame() | RestFrames::RestFrame | |
RFBase(const std::string &sname, const std::string &stitle, int key) | RestFrames::RFBase | |
RFBase() | RestFrames::RFBase | |
SetAxis(const TVector3 &axis) | RestFrames::RestFrame | static |
SetBody(bool body) const (defined in RestFrames::RFBase) | RestFrames::RFBase | protected |
SetMind(bool mind) const (defined in RestFrames::RFBase) | RestFrames::RFBase | protected |
SetParentFrame(RestFrame &frame=RestFrame::Empty()) | RestFrames::RestFrame | virtual |
SetSpirit(bool spirit) const (defined in RestFrames::RFBase) | RestFrames::RFBase | protected |
UnSoundBody(const std::string &function) const (defined in RestFrames::RFBase) | RestFrames::RFBase | protected |
UnSoundMind(const std::string &function) const (defined in RestFrames::RFBase) | RestFrames::RFBase | protected |
UnSoundSpirit(const std::string &function) const (defined in RestFrames::RFBase) | RestFrames::RFBase | protected |
~RestFrame() (defined in RestFrames::RestFrame) | RestFrames::RestFrame | virtual |
~RFBase() (defined in RestFrames::RFBase) | RestFrames::RFBase | virtual |